以前、使っていた三択問題ドリル 問題作成・編集サイトを公開します。
***************ELM code(Drill 本体)***************** module Main exposing (main) import Browser import Html.Attributes import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Http import Json.Decode exposing (Decoder) import Markdown exposing (defaultOptions) import Url import Task import Time exposing (Month(..), Posix, Weekday(..), Zone) import Platform.Cmd import Bootstrap.Button as Button import Bootstrap.CDN as CDN import Bootstrap.Utilities.Spacing as Spacing import Bootstrap.Grid as Grid import Bootstrap.Grid.Col as Col import Bootstrap.Grid.Row as Row import Bootstrap.Form as Form urlEncode:Maybe String -> Maybe String urlEncode ma = case ma of Nothing -> Just "" Just a -> Just (Url.percentEncode a) customDecoder : Decoder a -> (a -> Result String b) -> Decoder b customDecoder d f = let resultDecoder x = case x of Ok a -> Json.Decode.succeed a Err e -> e in f d |> Json.Decode.andThen resultDecoder {-| String or empty target value. -} targetValueMaybe : Decoder (Maybe String) targetValueMaybe = customDecoder targetValue (\s -> Ok <| if s == "" then Nothing else Just s ) --import Markdown exposing (defaultOptions) getAt : Int -> List a -> Maybe a getAt idx xs = if idx < 0 then Nothing else List.head <| List.drop idx xs main : Program () Model Msg main = Browser.element { init = init , view = view , update = update , --subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none subscriptions=subscriptions } -- MODEL type alias Model = { flist: List String , selected : Maybe String , input : String , userState : UserState , mdl:Mondl ,num:Int,mondai:String,ans:List String,ansn:Int,maru:MaruBatu,url:String , marubatul:List MaruBatu , missl:List String ,user:String ,zone : Time.Zone ,posix : Time.Posix } type MaruBatu = None | Maru | Batu type UserState = Init | Waiting | Loaded Mondl | Failed Http.Error | Hyoka minit: Model minit =Model [] Nothing "" Init [] -1 "" ["","",""] 0 None "" [] [] "" Time.utc (Time.millisToPosix 0 ) init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init _ = ( minit ,Cmd.batch [ Http.get { --url = "" url = "/list" , expect = Http.expectString Receive2 --Http.expectJson Receive mondlDecoder } , setSystemTime ] ) shutudai: Int -> Model -> Model shutudai num model= case num of 100 -> {model | mondai="**",ans=["","",""],ansn=0,url="",maru=None} _-> ( let mondl=model.mdl in case getAt num mondl of Just mond -> {model | mondai=mond.mondai ,ans=[mond.ans1,mond.ans2,mond.ans3] ,ansn=( case String.toInt mond.ansn of Just ani -> ani-1 Nothing -> 0 ) ,url=mond.url,maru=None} Nothing -> {model | mondai=hyoka model,ans=["","",""],ansn=0,url="",maru=None} ) seikairitu: Model -> String seikairitu model = let kei=List.length model.marubatul seikai=List.length (List.filter (\bl->if bl==Maru then True else False) model.marubatul) in (String.fromInt seikai)++"/"++(String.fromInt kei) hyoka: Model -> String hyoka model = let kei=List.length model.marubatul seikai=List.length (List.filter (\bl->if bl==Maru then True else False) model.marubatul) in if kei==seikai && kei>0 then "全問正解!!すばらしい" else if (toFloat seikai+1)/(toFloat kei+1) > 0.7 then ( if (List.length model.missl)>0 then "よくできています。あと少しで全問正解です。
"++(String.join "
" (List.reverse model.missl)) else "よくできています。あと少しで全問正解です。" ) else ( if (List.length model.missl)>0 then "繰り返すことで正答率がアップします。「出題」をクリックし再トライ!
"++(String.join "
" (List.reverse model.missl)) else "繰り返すことで正答率がアップします。「出題」をクリックし再トライ! " ) -- UPDATE type Msg = Increment | Decrement | Answer Int |Input String | Send | Receive (Result Http.Error Mondl) | Receive2 (Result Http.Error String) | Select (Maybe String) | GotText (Result Http.Error String) | SetSystemTime ( Time.Zone, Time.Posix ) | SetCurrentTime Time.Posix update : Msg -> Model -> (Model,Cmd Msg) update msg ({num,marubatul,selected} as model) = case msg of Select s -> ({ model | --userState = Init ,selected = s, input=Maybe.withDefault "" s userState = Waiting ,missl=[],maru=None, selected = s, input=Maybe.withDefault "" s }, { url = "/disp2/read" , body = Http.stringBody "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ( -- "mondaimei="++ (Maybe.withDefault "" (urlEncode model.selected)) "mondaimei="++ (Maybe.withDefault "" (urlEncode s)) ) , expect = Http.expectJson Receive mondlDecoder } --Cmd.none ) Increment -> ( {model | num=num + 1 , mondai = (shutudai (num+1) model).mondai , ans = (shutudai (num+1) model).ans , ansn= (shutudai (num+1) model).ansn , maru=None , url = (shutudai (num+1) model).url , user= let year=Time.toYear model.posix month = Time.toMonth model.posix |> toMonthNumber day=Time.toDay model.posix h = Time.toHour model.posix m = Time.toMinute model.posix in (String.fromInt year)++"-"++month++"-"++(String.fromInt day)++"-"++(String.fromInt h) ++ ":" ++ (String.fromInt m) } , if (List.length model.mdl) <= model.num+1 then ( { -- url = "/hyoka" url = --"" "/hyoka" ,body= Http.multipartBody [ Http.stringPart "hyoka" ((seikairitu model)++"\n"++(String.join "\n" (List.reverse model.missl))) , Http.stringPart "fname" ((Maybe.withDefault "" (urlEncode model.selected))++"_"++(model.user))] ,expect=Http.expectString GotText } ) else Cmd.none ) Decrement -> ( {model | num=num - 1 , mondai = (shutudai (num-1) model).mondai , ans = (shutudai (num-1) model).ans , ansn= (shutudai (num-1) model).ansn , maru= None , url= (shutudai (num-1) model).url } , Cmd.none ) Answer numi-> ( {model | maru=if (model.ansn==numi) then Maru else Batu ,marubatul= ( let first2 : ( a, b ) -> a first2 ( value1, _ ) = value1 second :(a,b)->b second(_,val)=val marubatult=List.indexedMap Tuple.pair marubatul marubatult2= ( \ xi -> (case xi of (ci, None) -> (first2(xi), if ci==num then if model.ansn==numi then Maru else Batu else None) (ci, Batu) -> (first2(xi),Batu) (ci, Maru) -> (first2(xi),Maru) )) marubatult in (\ tp -> second(tp)) marubatult2 ) ,missl=( let cl=(model.mondai++"
(正解:"++(Maybe.withDefault "" (getAt model.ansn model.ans))++")
") btf = not (List.member cl model.missl) in if model.ansn /= numi && btf then cl::model.missl else model.missl )} , Cmd.none ) Input newInput -> ( { model | user = newInput }, Cmd.none ) Send -> ( { model | userState = Waiting ,missl=[],maru=None } , { --url = "/disp2/"++(Maybe.withDefault "" (urlEncode model.selected) ) url = "/disp2/read" --url = ""++(Maybe.withDefault "" model.selected) , body = Http.stringBody "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ( "mondaimei="++ (Maybe.withDefault "" (urlEncode model.selected)) ) , expect = --Http.expectString Receive Http.expectJson Receive mondlDecoder } ) Receive (Ok mondl) -> ( { model | num=0, userState = Loaded mondl, mdl=mondl,marubatul=List.repeat (List.length mondl) None ,maru=None , mondai = (Maybe.withDefault mdinit (List.head mondl)).mondai , ans = [(Maybe.withDefault mdinit (List.head mondl)).ans1, (Maybe.withDefault mdinit (List.head mondl)).ans2, (Maybe.withDefault mdinit (List.head mondl)).ans3 ] , ansn= ( Maybe.withDefault 0 ( String.toInt (Maybe.withDefault mdinit (List.head mondl)).ansn ) )-1 , url = (Maybe.withDefault mdinit (List.head mondl)).url } , Cmd.none ) Receive (Err e) -> ( { model | userState = Failed e }, Cmd.none ) Receive2 (Ok lst) -> ({model | flist ="select"::List.sort ( String.split "," lst ) ,maru=None } ,Cmd.none) Receive2 (Err e) -> ( { model | userState = Failed e }, Cmd.none ) GotText result -> case result of Ok fullText -> ({model|userState=Hyoka}, Cmd.none) Err e -> ({ model | userState = Failed e }, Cmd.none) SetSystemTime ( zone, time ) -> ( {model | zone = zone, posix = time }, Cmd.none ) SetCurrentTime time -> ( { model | posix = time }, Cmd.none ) -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = let selectEvent = on "change" ( Select targetValueMaybe ) textr raw= Markdown.toHtmlWith { defaultOptions | sanitize = False } [ ] raw op dmy = (\fname -> Html.option [value fname][text fname]) model.flist --bt numi xs =button [ "background-color" "whitesmoke", "font-size" "24pt", "height" "80pt", "margin" "5pt",onClick (Answer numi) ] [ textr xs] bt numi xs =Button.button [Button.large ,Button.outlinePrimary, Button.attrs [Spacing.m1 ,onClick (Answer numi)] ] [ textr xs] gazo= img [src model.url ] [] btn1=Button.button [Button.large ,Button.primary ,Button.attrs [Spacing.m1 ,onClick Decrement]] [ text "もどる" ] btn2=Button.button [Button.large ,Button.primary ,Button.attrs [Spacing.m1 ,onClick Increment]] [text "つぎへ"] hform =Form.form [ onSubmit Send ] [ select [selectEvent, name "filelist",Spacing.m1] (op model.flist) , input [placeholder "User", onInput Input,value model.user,Spacing.m1][] ] dmsg = case model.userState of -- Init -> [div [] [text ""]] Init -> [div [] [text "問題を選んでください"]] Waiting -> [div [] [text "しばらくお待ちください..."]] Loaded mondl -> ( case mondl of mond::tail -> [dmon,dansl] _ -> [div [] [text "error"]] ) Failed e -> [div [] [text (Debug.toString e)]] Hyoka -> [dmon] dmon=div [ "font-size" "22pt" ] [ textr ( model.mondai) ] dansl=div [] (model.ans |> List.indexedMap bt) dhyoka= div [ "font-size" "22pt", "color" "red"][text ( (seikairitu model)++(if model.maru==Maru then " 〇正解!!" else if model.maru==Batu then "✖" else "") )] in Grid.container [Spacing.mt4Md] [ CDN.stylesheet ,Grid.row [Row.middleMd] [Grid.col [Col.md11] [div[] [hform,btn1,btn2,dhyoka]] ] ,Grid.row [Row.middleMd] [ Grid.col [ Col.md7 ] [ div [] dmsg ] , Grid.col [ Col.md4 ] [ if model.url /= "" && model.url /="http://" then gazo else div [] [] ] ] ] -- DATA type alias Mond ={mondai:String,ans1:String,ans2:String,ans3:String,ansn:String,url:String} mdinit:Mond mdinit=Mond "" "" "" "" "" "" type alias Mondl = List Mond mondDecoder : Decoder Mond mondDecoder = Json.Decode.map6 Mond (Json.Decode.field "mondai" Json.Decode.string) (Json.Decode.field "ans1" Json.Decode.string) (Json.Decode.field "ans2" Json.Decode.string) (Json.Decode.field "ans3" Json.Decode.string) (Json.Decode.field "ansn" Json.Decode.string) (Json.Decode.field "url" Json.Decode.string) mondlDecoder : Decoder Mondl mondlDecoder = Json.Decode.list mondDecoder setSystemTime : Cmd Msg setSystemTime = Task.perform SetSystemTime <| Task.map2 Tuple.pair toMonthNumber : Time.Month -> String toMonthNumber month = case month of Jan -> "1" Feb -> "2" Mar -> "3" Apr -> "4" May -> "5" Jun -> "6" Jul -> "7" Aug -> "8" Sep -> "9" Oct -> "10" Nov -> "11" Dec -> "12" subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions _ = Time.every 60000 SetCurrentTime *************bottle backend***************************** @app.route('/Drill') def add(): return template('Drill.html', title="Drill Test") @app.route('/hyokaread',method='GET') def hyokaread(): files = glob.glob(DrillDataPath+"*.log") mfiles = map(lambda x: os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(x) )[0] , files) mondaimei="" naiyo="" response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache' return template('hyokaread.html',mondaimei=mondaimei, naiyo=naiyo , mfiles=sorted(mfiles)) @app.route('/hyokaread/delete', method='POST') # or @post('/post') def hyokaread_delete(): mondaimei= request.params.mondaimei if os.path.isfile(DrillDataPath+urllib.parse.unquote(mondaimei+'.log')): os.remove(DrillDataPath+urllib.parse.unquote(mondaimei+'.log')) return "{naiyo}".format(naiyo='['+urllib.parse.unquote(mondaimei)+']を削除しました') else: return "{naiyo}".format(naiyo=DrillDataPath+urllib.parse.unquote(mondaimei+'.log')+'が見つかりませんでした') @app.route('/hyoka/
',method='GET') def hyokaload(mondaiuser): f = open(DrillDataPath+mondaiuser+'.log')"\n","
") f.close response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache' return "{naiyo}".format(naiyo=st) @app.route('/hyoka/read',method='POST') def hyokaload2(): f = open(DrillDataPath+urllib.parse.unquote(request.params.mondaimei)+'.log')"\n","
") f.close response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache' return "{naiyo}".format(naiyo=st) @app.route('/hyoka',method='POST') def hyokasave(): # data =request.json data=request.forms.get('hyoka') with open(DrillDataPath+urllib.parse.unquote(request.forms.get('fname'))+'.log','w') as open_file: open_file.write(data) return "log saved" @app.route('/upload', method='POST') def do_upload(): data = if data and data.file: # if data.file : raw = # This is dangerous for big files #raw='test' #filename = data.filename filename=data.filename with open(DrillDataPath+filename,'wb') as open_file: open_file.write(raw) return "You uploaded %s (%d bytes)." % ( filename, len(raw)) return "You missed a field." @hook('after_request') def enable_cors(): response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'PUT, GET, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS' response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'Origin, Accept, Content-Type, X-Requested-With, X-CSRF-Token' @app.route("/list") def ichiran(): files = glob.glob(DrillDataPath+"*.dat") mfiles = map(lambda x: os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(x) )[0] , files) return(','.join(mfiles)) @app.route("/disp2/
") def disp2x(mondai): f = open(DrillDataPath+urllib.parse.unquote(mondai)+'.dat') stl= stmp.splitlines() f.close mbody=[] for i,st in enumerate(stl): if i % 6 ==0 : body={} body["mondai"] = st elif i % 6==1: body["ans1"] = st elif i % 6==2: body["ans2"] = st elif i % 6== 3: body["ans3"] = st elif i % 6 ==4: body["ansn"] = st elif i % 6 ==5 : body["url"] = st mbody.append(body) jsn=json.dumps(mbody, ensure_ascii=False) return jsn @app.route("/disp2/read", method='POST') def disp2r(): mondai= request.params.mondaimei f = open(DrillDataPath+urllib.parse.unquote(mondai)+'.dat') stl= stmp.splitlines() f.close mbody=[] for i,st in enumerate(stl): if i % 6 ==0 : body={} body["mondai"] = st elif i % 6==1: body["ans1"] = st elif i % 6==2: body["ans2"] = st elif i % 6== 3: body["ans3"] = st elif i % 6 ==4: body["ansn"] = st elif i % 6 ==5 : body["url"] = st mbody.append(body) jsn=json.dumps(mbody, ensure_ascii=False) return jsn @app.route('/disp/
') def disp(mondai): f = open(DrillDataPath+urllib.parse.unquote(mondai)+'.dat') jsn=json.dumps(lst, ensure_ascii=False) f.close return "{naiyo}".format(naiyo=jsn) @app.route('/mondai/
',method='GET') def disp2(mondai): st="" try: f = open(DrillDataPath+urllib.parse.unquote(mondai)+'.dat') f.close response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache' except er: st=er+':::'+urllib.parse.unquote(mondai) return "{naiyo}".format(naiyo=st) @app.route('/mondai',method='GET') def mondai(): flg=""; files = glob.glob(DrillDataPath+"*.dat") mfiles = map(lambda x: os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(x) )[0] , files) mondaimei="" naiyo="" response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache' return template('mondai.html',flg=flg,mondaimei=mondaimei, naiyo=naiyo , mfiles=sorted(mfiles)) @app.route('/mondai', method='POST') # or @post('/post') def mondai_load(): files = glob.glob(DrillDataPath+"*.dat") mfiles = map(lambda x: os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(x) )[0] , files) #mondaimei= request.forms.get('mondaimei') mondaimei= request.params.mondaimei naiyo = request.forms.naiyo.encode('utf_8') naiyo2= request.forms.naiyo f = open(DrillDataPath+mondaimei+'.dat','w') flg="Can't Save" try: # TODO: write code... f.write(naiyo) flg=mondaimei+' saved!' except : f.write(naiyo2) flg=mondaimei+' saved!' f.close #return "{mondaimei} {naiyo}".format(mondaimei=mondaimei,naiyo=naiyo) return template('mondai.html',flg=flg,mondaimei=mondaimei, naiyo=naiyo , mfiles=sorted(mfiles)) @app.route('/mondai/load', method='POST') # or @post('/post') def mondai_load2(): mondaimei= request.params.mondaimei #mondaimei= "test" st="" try: f = open(DrillDataPath+urllib.parse.unquote(mondaimei+'.dat')) f.close #response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache' except er: st=er+':::'+urllib.parse.unquote(mondaimei) return "{naiyo}".format(naiyo=st) #return "{naiyo}".format(naiyo=mondaimei) @app.route('/mondai/delete/
', method='POST') # or @post('/post') def mondai_delete(md5encode): mondaimei= request.params.mondaimei ic=0 if os.path.isfile(DrillDataPath+urllib.parse.unquote(mondaimei+'.dat')): os.remove(DrillDataPath+urllib.parse.unquote(mondaimei+'.dat')) ic=1 if os.path.isfile(DrillDataPath+urllib.parse.unquote(mondaimei+'_.dat')): os.remove(DrillDataPath+urllib.parse.unquote(mondaimei+'_.dat')) ic=ic+1 ic=ic+remove_glob(DrillDataPath+urllib.parse.unquote(mondaimei+'_*.*')) ic=ic+remove_glob(DrillDataPath+md5encode+'_*.*') return "{naiyo}".format(naiyo='['+urllib.parse.unquote(mondaimei)+']を削除しました('+str(ic)+') hash:'+md5encode) def remove_glob(pathname, recursive=False): ic=0 for p in glob.glob(pathname, recursive=recursive): if os.path.isfile(p): os.remove(p) ic=ic+1 return ic @post('/py/') def receivedata(): body = request.params mondaimei= body.mondaimei naiyo = body.naiyo f = open(DrillDataPath+mondaimei+'.dat','w') f.write(naiyo) f.close print(body.mondaimei)
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