-- A text input for reversing text. Very useful! -- -- Read how it works: -- -- import Browser import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Random import Json.Decode as Json -- MAIN main = Browser.element { init = init , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , view = view } -- MODEL type alias Model = { denatsu : String ,denryu :String ,teiko :String ,siki :String ,mode :String ,rmode : Bool ,maru : Bool ,left : String ,mid :String ,right :String ,seisu :Bool } init : () -> (Model,Cmd Msg) init _ = ( { denatsu = "10",denryu ="5",teiko="2" ,siki="",mode="V",rmode=False,maru=False,left="",mid="",right="",seisu=True} , Cmd.none ) -- UPDATE type Msg = Change String |ChangeS String String | NewAns (Int,Int) | Btn Int |Mode String |Seisu Bool btnLabel : Int -> String btnLabel xi = case xi of 10 -> "×" 11 -> "÷" 12 -> "=" 13 -> "C" 14 -> "." _ -> String.fromInt xi type alias SikiNaiyo = { x:Float ,enzan :String ,y :Float } sikiParse : String -> SikiNaiyo sikiParse txt = let tmpnaiyo enz = let lst=String.split enz txt tpl=case lst of xs :: ys ::[] -> Tuple.pair (tofloat xs) (tofloat ys) _ -> Tuple.pair 0 0 in {x= Tuple.first tpl ,enzan=enz ,y = Tuple.second tpl } in if (String.contains "×" txt) then tmpnaiyo "×" else if (String.contains "÷" txt) then tmpnaiyo "÷" else {x=0,enzan="",y=0} kotae snaiyo = if snaiyo.enzan=="×" then String.fromFloat (snaiyo.x * snaiyo.y) else if snaiyo.enzan=="÷" then String.fromFloat (snaiyo.x / snaiyo.y) else "0" update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model,Cmd Msg) update msg model = let hanbetu snum = if model.mode=="V" then if snum==model.denatsu then True else False else if model.mode=="I" then if snum==model.denryu then True else False else if snum==model.teiko then True else False in case msg of Change newContent -> ({ model | maru=False ,left="",mid="",right=""}, Random.generate NewAns ansGenerator) ChangeS snum lmr-> let sikip l m r s= case lmr of "L" -> s++m++r "M" -> l++s++r "R" -> l++m++s _ -> "" in ({ model | left= if lmr=="L" then snum else model.left ,mid= if lmr=="M" then snum else model.mid ,right= if lmr=="R" then snum else model.right ,maru=hanbetu(kotae(sikiParse (sikip model.left model.mid model.right snum))) }, Cmd.none) NewAns (x,y) -> let xx=tofloat (String.fromInt x) yy=tofloat (String.fromInt y) xy=tofloat (String.fromInt (x//y)) in ( {model | siki="",denatsu=(String.fromFloat xx),denryu=(String.fromFloat (if model.seisu then yy else yy/10)) ,teiko=(String.fromFloat (if model.seisu then xy else 10*xy)) ,mode= case (modBy 3 x) of 0 -> "I" 1 -> "R" 2 -> "V" _ -> "V" } , if (modBy y x) ==0 && not (x//y ==1) then Cmd.none else ( Random.generate NewAns ansGenerator) ) Btn ii -> if ii==12 then ({model | siki=model.siki++(btnLabel ii)++kotae(sikiParse model.siki) ,maru=hanbetu(kotae(sikiParse model.siki)) },Cmd.none) else ({model | siki=if ii/=13 then model.siki++(btnLabel ii) else "" },Cmd.none) Mode md -> if md=="FREE" then ( {model | rmode=True} , Cmd.none ) else ( {model | rmode=False} , Cmd.none ) Seisu bl -> if bl then ({model|seisu=True},Cmd.none) else ({model|seisu=False},Cmd.none) ansGenerator : Random.Generator (Int, Int) ansGenerator = Random.map2 Tuple.pair ( 2 30) ( 2 30) toint st= Maybe.withDefault 0 (String.toInt st) tofloat st= Maybe.withDefault 0 (String.toFloat st) subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Sub.none onChange : (String -> msg) -> Attribute msg onChange handler = on "change" ( handler Html.Events.targetValue) handlerl selectedText = ChangeS selectedText "L" handlerm selectedText = ChangeS selectedText "M" handlerr selectedText = ChangeS selectedText "R" -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = let sList = case model.mode of "I" -> ["",model.denatsu,model.teiko] "V" -> ["",model.denryu,model.teiko] "R" -> ["",model.denryu,model.denatsu] _ -> ["","",""] sbutton : Int -> Html Msg sbutton ii = (button [style "font-size" "45px" ,onClick (Btn ii)] [ text (" "++(btnLabel ii)++" ")]) sujibutton= table [] [ tr [] [ td [] [sbutton 7] ,td [] [sbutton 8] ,td [] [sbutton 9] ] ,tr [] [ td [] [sbutton 4] ,td [] [sbutton 5] ,td [] [sbutton 6] ,td [] [sbutton 14] ] ,tr [] [ td [] [sbutton 1] ,td [] [sbutton 2] ,td [] [sbutton 3] ,td [] [sbutton 13] ] ,tr [] [ td [] [sbutton 0] ,td [] [sbutton 10] ,td [] [sbutton 11] ,td [] [sbutton 12] ] ] in div [style "position" "relative"] [ Html.img [src "py/teiko_kairo.jpg"][] , div [style "position" "absolute", style "top" "100px", style "left" "210px",style "font-size" "30px",style "color" "red"] [text (if model.mode=="V" then "?" else model.denatsu)] , div [style "position" "absolute", style "top" "260px", style "left" "430px",style "font-size" "30px",style "color" "red"] [text (if model.mode=="I" then "?" else model.denryu)] , div [style "position" "absolute", style "top" "300px", style "left" "190px",style "font-size" "30px",style "color" "red"] [text (if model.mode=="R" then "?" else model.teiko)] ,div[style "position" "absolute", style "top" "380px", style "left" "50px"][ button [ style "font-size" "12px",onClick (Mode "FREE")][text "自由入力"] , button [ style "font-size" "12px",onClick (Mode "SELECT")][text "選択入力"] ,button [ style "font-size" "12px",onClick (Seisu True)][text "整数"] , button [ style "font-size" "12px",onClick (Seisu False)][text "小数"] ] ,div [style "visibility" (if model.rmode==True then "visible" else "hidden"),style "position" "absolute", style "top" "360px", style "left" "320px"] [input [ placeholder "式?", value model.siki,style "font-size" "36px",style "color" "red"] [] ] ,div[style "position" "absolute", style "top" "30px", style "left" "400px"][button [ style "font-size" "30px",onClick (Change "")][text "つぎへ"]] ,div[style "visibility" (if model.rmode==True then "visible" else "hidden"),style "position" "absolute", style "top" "30px", style "left" "530px"][sujibutton] ,div[style "position" "absolute", style "top" "220px", style "left" "480px",style "font-size" "140px",style "color" "red",style "visibility" (if model.maru==True then "visible" else "hidden")][text "〇"] ,div[style "visibility" (if model.rmode/=True then "visible" else "hidden"),style "position" "absolute", style "top" "360px", style "left" "340px"][ select [style "font-size" "30px" ,onChange handlerl ] ( (\s -> Html.option [selected (s==model.left),value s][text (" "++s++" ")]) sList) ,select [style "font-size" "30px" ,onChange handlerm ] ( (\s -> Html.option [selected (s==model.mid),value s][text (" "++s++" ")]) ["","×","÷"]) ,select [style "font-size" "30px" ,onChange handlerr ] ( (\s -> Html.option [selected (s==model.right),value s][text (" "++s++" ")]) sList) ,span [style "font-size" "50px" ][text (if model.maru==True then "="++(kotae (sikiParse (model.left++model.mid++model.right))) else "")] ] ]
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